
Dec 25, 2011

Holding one's tongue

As a little girl I remember my Grandfather yelling at someone...

"Hold your Tongue!"

Should that poor soul hold his tongue with index finger and thumb? For how long....What sort of a punishment is this? For what wrong did he deserve this ? I used to wonder...

But now I understand that it is said just to put on a brake for your irresponsible talk-which is ultimately the reason for many a problems in our lives...

Why -if we learn to hold our tongues whie eating too-we will be much more healtier...

If only we do not fall prey to our easily temptible tastebuds and go on overeating...firstly our digestive system is over worked and hence gets worn out much earlier than its lifetime... next,our weight increases rapidly...and overweight invites all lifestyle diseases like diabetes,hypertension,high cholesterol,arthritis etc...
All because we fail to hold our tongue when we dine!

Just try controlling the words that flow out of your mouth and the food that goes in to your mouth for a few months-You will discover a new YOU ! A better one at that !!!!! 


  1. I was taught to count 5 when ever I got angry. While in school one is taught to keet your fingers on the moth so that talking is minimised. Very true when we sit on the dinning table so many thoughts come that we forget what one should talk. Very motivating write up
